If you have any safeguarding concerns or issues on a safeguarding matter then you can find useful contact information at http://www.liverpool.anglican.org/safeguarding
The below are local policy’s agreed by St Marks Parocial Church Council
St. Marks Haydock, Children, Young people & Vulnerable Adults Protection Policy
This statement was agreed at the first meeting of the new PCC in May:
As part of our commitment to Children, Young people & Vulnerable Adults, the PCC has appointed Marie Curran to be the Vulnerable Adults Coordinator.
Child Protection Officer/ Vulnerable Adults Protection Officer
28 Pineways, Appleton Park
Appleton, Warrington, WA4 5EJ
Tel: 01925 262366
(C) St Mark’s Haydock 2022. Brought to life by MASTERPIECE CREATIVE DESIGN