Thursday 28th March 7.00pm | MAUNDY THURSDAY PASSOVER MEAL
Join us to journey through Maundy Thursday at 7.00pm for time of fellowship and reflection, as we walk through the penultimate day of Jesus’ earthly life.
Friday 29th March 10am | GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE
A reflective morning service remembering the day of Jesus’ death, suitable for all ages.
3PM Hour at the cross
An almost silent service walking thorugh the eye witness account of the last hours to Jesus’ death.
SAT 30th March 11am | EASTER QUEST
With free donkey rides, Easter egg hunt, Easter Cafe, interactive Easter experience, and even virtual reality1
Sunday 31st March 6am | SUNRISE SERVICE
St Mark’s is joining with other churches across Haydock to celebrate the ressurection of Jesus with a Sunrise service on Easter Sunday! Join us at 6am in the car park of St James Church, to walk down to Lymewood Hill where the service will begin at 6.25. Afterwards, please all join us for bacon butties in St Mark’s Centre at 7.30am.
Sunday 31st March 10am & 3pm Easter service
Join us for our 10am altogether celebration this Easter sunday followed by our 3pm service that will have a traditional communion service using the book of common prayer ( 500 years old)
(C) St Mark’s Haydock 2022. Brought to life by MASTERPIECE CREATIVE DESIGN